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Bärlauchpesto mit Mandeln und getrockneten Tomaten. Super easy, mega lecker. Ramson-pesto with almonds. Recipe also in english. www.einepriselecker.de

Bärlauchpesto mit Mandeln

Vorbereitungszeit 15 Minuten
Gesamtzeit 15 Minuten
Kalorien 818kcal
Autor Marsha


  • 1 bunch of ramson - around 100g
  • 50 g almonds
  • 20 g sundried tomatoes - without oil
  • 50 ml olive oil - and more for topping the pesto later to make it last longer
  • 1/2 slice goatcheese or a piece of 20g cut in pieces
  • salt and black pepper


  • first wash the ramson and dry it with a kitchen papertowel.
  • Now grind the almonds in a food processor until they are very fine
  • then add the tomatoes and grind more.
  • now add the ramson and half of the olive oil and give it anothr go
  • you might need to push down the mixture with a spatula
  • add the remaining oil and the cheese and mix until the consistency is smooth.
  • If you like your pesto more fluid, just add some more oil.
  • Add salt and black pepper to taste
  • put in a clean jar or something like that, cover with oil and keep refrigerated.
  • You can also freeze the pesto.


The calories are for the whole pesto, which will be around 230ml. You can have a lot of pasta with that :-)


Kalorien: 818kcal | Kohlenhydrate: 15g | Protein: 17g | Fett: 81g | gesättigte Fette: 9g | mehrfach ungesättigte Fette: 50g | Ballaststoffe: 9g | Zucker: 7g