This is the second part of the of the posts regarding the Lasagne Verdi from my grandmother Ondina. You can find the starting page here. This is Ondina’s ragu (pronounced rahgoo), my mother’s is very similar: no sausage or cloves and wine instead of brandy. It is very similar to a bolognese sauce without milk.

making ragu is a delicious excercise in patience


  • 750 g of ground beef,
  • 250 g of ground pork,
  • 3-4 italian sausages (I could find grobe Bratwurst),
  • 1 and a half onions,
  • 1 stalk of celery,
  • 1 big carrot,
  • 1 can of peeled tomatoes,
  • 1 can on cherry tomatoes (alt. 1 can of peeled tomatos and 1 tube of tomato paste),
  • 2-3 glasses of the cheapest brandy you can find,
  • 3 laurel leaves,
  • 1 small branch of rosemary,
  • 4 Basil leaves
  • 4 dried cloves,
  • 20 g of ground Salt
  • olive oil

This would be more or less what you would find in her recipe book, but I guess you might like a couple more details.


Ready a pan on the stove on low heat and with 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, as soon as the pan is warming up you should dice the onions and put the in the oil. Once they starting to color up and getting transparent put the diced carrots and celery. Soffrittto is a slow process and requires patience. Ondina had a lot of patience in the kitchen and with us grandchildren, do not hurry the soffritto.

making ragu is a delicious excercise in patience

Rinse and repeat

after 20 minutes the vegetables should be cooked,and you can add the sausages in pieces leaving the skin out. In this particular case I seasoned the sausages with a bit of ground pepper and brandy to make a “wurst to salsiccia” correction. Let the sausages sweat their water and let it evaporate, once this is done you can add the ground meat and let the water dry up.

making ragu is a delicious excercise in patienceOnce all the meat is looking gray and is starting to brown you can add the brandy and let it evaporate as you keep stirring the pan. Next, the tomatoes are up. Pour the content in the pan, add the laurel, basil, cloves and rosemary and let it cook for 3 hours. In this case I transferred the content in a slow cooker and set the cooker on high for 3 hours.

You can find the next part of the recipe here


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3 Kommentare

  1. Hallo dies Rezept bitte in deutsch, wenn es geht!?
    Lasagne Verdi della donna
    Vielleicht, hab ich es auch überlesen und es gibt bei dir ein Rezept für Lasagne ohne Pilze, ohne Zucchini aber mit Gehacktem! Bräuchte es fast gleich, da ich noch dafür einkaufen muss! LG Yvonne

    1. Liebe Yvonne,
      leider habe ich das Rezept noch nicht übersetzt, aber du kannst in deinem Browser – zumindest bei Chrome geht das – im Menu auf Seite übersetzen gehen. Dieses Rezept ist ohne Pilze und ohne Zucchini.

      Liebe Grüße,